Our Site
The land is owned by Blackpool Council and self managed on their behalf by a committee with the help of volunteers.
The site reflects the diversity, ages and gardening experience of the local community. We are very informal and friendly, though there are both council and site rules that must be adhered to.
We have around thirty plots in total, a mix of half plots and full size plots.
Advice is always freely available on all aspects of growing, however ask five people a question and you will get five different answers on how to do it!
Our site facilities include an on site toilet along with a cabin (bring your own food and drink) where you can sit and chill and of course have a chat (or a moan).
We also have a discounted seed order scheme.
Improve Your Health
Spending even short periods on your plot is shown to benefit our physical and mental health. Gardeners tend to have a lower body mass index and have higher levels of fitness than average. Growers also tend to suffer less fatigue, anger and tension whilst having higher self-esteem.
Simply spending time outdoors experiencing nature is good for us and research indicates that this can translate to a physical improvement that is equivalent to being up to five years younger.
Many of us may also experience a relief from stress when working their plots which, in my case, can start from the minute I go through the gates to the site. Allotments provide the peace and quiet that is so rare in modern life. And the repetitive nature of digging, planting and harvesting gives the mind a chance to truly relax or to ponder any nagging issuese that can be resolved without interruption.
In fact, there is a natural antidepressant in the soil? Mycobacterium vaccae bacteria are found in soil and are ingested and inhaled when we are outdoors or spend time gardening. This bacteria stimulates the brain part responsible for producing serotonin, a chemical which helps to reduce feelings of anxiety and improve cognition.
Last but not least, allotments bring the nutritional benefit of fresh, seasonal produce.