Thinking of joining us? Here is a brief insight into the world of allotments.
Plots on our site come in various sizes, full plots are typically 250 square meters and half plots around 125 square meters.
Let me say from the start, its nothing like you may of seen on telly, you will need to give around ten hours or more a week during the growing season to keep and maintain the plot.
Typically the most physical time of the year as we prepare for the planting season ahead, digging, clearing the roots of perennial weeds such as couch grass and marestail.
Then we need to muck in barrow full's of good owd rotten horse muck and of course planting our veg.
A more gentle affair, most of the work is done with the hoe to keep the weeds at bay, "never let them see a Sunday" is the owd saying.
We are starting to lift the produce and eat veg that actually taste of something rather than the bland veg from the shops, also we are enjoying the sunshine, drinking the odd brew, glass of wine or perhaps a pint while we enjoy the view!
We are still enjoying picking our veg, this time of the year we are also starting to put the plot to bed for the winter.
The cold wet weather arrives and for the most part we have a small selection of veg still there, leeks, sprouts, cabbage, kale and parsnips amongst other veg for the cold months ahead and pick them for the good owd Sunday roast dinners.
The Good Life...
In reality some plots will need some clearance work from the start so don't expect to turn up and have a well manicured piece of land from the start, however if your prepared to put the work in then you will reap the rewards, there really is nothing like fresh veg and along with the fresh veg is the social side of the site.
Fresh air, fresh veg, exercise at a fraction of the cost of a gym membership, it really is the good life!
You may also keep chickens on site providing you adhere to the latest protocols regarding Avian Flu and comply to the guidance from the council.
If you would like to put your name on our waiting list please visit the Information section where you can apply online.
Here is a link to a You Tube video of our site (Felix the seagull agreed for a camera to be attached so he could fly around and film it)
Plots on our site come in various sizes, full plots are typically 250 square meters and half plots around 125 square meters.
Let me say from the start, its nothing like you may of seen on telly, you will need to give around ten hours or more a week during the growing season to keep and maintain the plot.
Typically the most physical time of the year as we prepare for the planting season ahead, digging, clearing the roots of perennial weeds such as couch grass and marestail.
Then we need to muck in barrow full's of good owd rotten horse muck and of course planting our veg.
A more gentle affair, most of the work is done with the hoe to keep the weeds at bay, "never let them see a Sunday" is the owd saying.
We are starting to lift the produce and eat veg that actually taste of something rather than the bland veg from the shops, also we are enjoying the sunshine, drinking the odd brew, glass of wine or perhaps a pint while we enjoy the view!
We are still enjoying picking our veg, this time of the year we are also starting to put the plot to bed for the winter.
The cold wet weather arrives and for the most part we have a small selection of veg still there, leeks, sprouts, cabbage, kale and parsnips amongst other veg for the cold months ahead and pick them for the good owd Sunday roast dinners.
The Good Life...
In reality some plots will need some clearance work from the start so don't expect to turn up and have a well manicured piece of land from the start, however if your prepared to put the work in then you will reap the rewards, there really is nothing like fresh veg and along with the fresh veg is the social side of the site.
Fresh air, fresh veg, exercise at a fraction of the cost of a gym membership, it really is the good life!
You may also keep chickens on site providing you adhere to the latest protocols regarding Avian Flu and comply to the guidance from the council.
If you would like to put your name on our waiting list please visit the Information section where you can apply online.
Here is a link to a You Tube video of our site (Felix the seagull agreed for a camera to be attached so he could fly around and film it)